Aptenia Variegated
Busy gardeners who don’t want to fuss with lawn care often choose to grow non-variegated aptenia (Aptenia cordifolia). This succulent creeping plant, typically used as a container plant or ground cover, only tolerates winter temperatures within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11. The variegated variety is commonly known as red apple (Aptenia cordifolia “Red Apple”), while the non-variegated type is called baby sun rose or heartl..
Fern Plants
Fern, Plant Classification: Tracheophytes any of several nonflowering vascular plants that possess true roots, stems, and complex leaves and that reproduce by spores. They belong to the lower vascular plant division Pteridophyta, having leaves usually with branching vein systems; the young leaves usually unroll from a tight fiddlehead, or crozier. The number of fern species is about 9,000, but estimates have ranged to as high as 15,000, the number varying because certain groups are ..
Dischidia Plant Care. Allow the planting medium to dry out before you water the plant. They are used to getting moisture only from dew and the air, and cannot tolerate boggy media. When the bark medium is dry to the touch, submerge the container in water until air bubbles are gone...