Lantana Plant

Lantana Plant
Lantana Plants are shrubs that look like vines because of their branch-like appearances. These are known for their rounded clusters of small, brightly color flowers which may be yellow, orange, white, red or purple. Lantana Plants are used as border shrubs and as ground cover in areas with full sunshine in warm climates. These plants need well-drained moist soil and regular fertilization.
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Lantana Purple Plant

Lantana The growing and care of lantanas (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena-like flowers have long since been admired for their extended bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and type grown, lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Grow lantana flowers in the garden or in containers. Trailing varieties can even be grown in hanging baskets. Lantanas also make a great choice for those wishing to attract but..

Rs 199.00

Expected Dispatch Date:
Jul 30, 2024


Lantana Red

Lantana The growing and care of lantanas (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena-like flowers have long since been admired for their extended bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and type grown, lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Grow lantana flowers in the garden or in containers. Trailing varieties can even be grown in hanging baskets. Lantanas also make a great choice for those wishing to attract but..

Rs 189.00

Expected Dispatch Date:
Jul 30, 2024


Lantana Variegated Red

Lantana The growing and care of lantanas (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena-like flowers have long since been admired for their extended bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and type grown, lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Grow lantana flowers in the garden or in containers. Trailing varieties can even be grown in hanging baskets. Lantanas also make a great choice for those wishing to attract but..

Rs 189.00

Expected Dispatch Date:
Jul 30, 2024


Lantana White Plant

Lantana The growing and care of lantanas (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena-like flowers have long since been admired for their extended bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and type grown, lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Grow lantana flowers in the garden or in containers. Trailing varieties can even be grown in hanging baskets. Lantanas also make a great choice for those wishing to attract but..

Rs 189.00

Expected Dispatch Date:
Jul 30, 2024


Lantana Yellow

Lantana The growing and care of lantanas (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena-like flowers have long since been admired for their extended bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and type grown, lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Grow lantana flowers in the garden or in containers. Trailing varieties can even be grown in hanging baskets. Lantanas also make a great choice for those wishing to attract but..

Rs 189.00

Expected Dispatch Date:
Jul 30, 2024